Public channels are chat groups that are open to all users on GCmessage. Any user on the application can search and join these channel, without requiring permissions from an administrator, channel owner or moderator. When a user joins a channel, they can read all the information previously shared by channel members. 

Public channels are usually focused on a particular topic or community that users across departments and teams would want to join. Some example of popular channels include: #oneteamgov, #datastandards, or #cybersecurity

Public channels are also searchable across the application and appear in the channels directory. 

1. Click the Create a new channel icon (located in the top right of the left sidebar) to create a new public channel. 

2. Adjust the settings for new channel. Make sure that the Public Channel is switched off (button will be red). Also make sure that the Read Only Channel and Broadcast Channel options are switched off (red). 

3. Add a name for your channel and invite users. Note: in public channels, users can also join the channel without requiring an invitation or your approval. 

Note: If you type a name of a channel that already exists, GCmessage will give you an error. This means that you can find and join the channel with the same name from the Directory!  See:  How do I search for and join existing channels on GCmessage? for more information.

4. Click Create to save your group settings. 

Congratulations! You have now created a public channel. This channel will appear in your sidebar under Channels. You can now start chatting with members in the channel.